Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Novel Industry Application Part III

So how, and for what purpose are we mimicking the starfish tube feet?

The sticky tube feet of starfish actually can help us in improving the current bodysuit for windows cleaners. But how??

There is a cocktail of proteins in the adhesive material. However, the scientists found that a protein called Seastar Footprint Protein 1 (SFP1) is abundant in the mix. SFP1 acts as a structural scaffold of the foot that is left behind the starfish but the adhesion is only temporary. The footprints are made up of a primary film covering the surface, which is mainly responsible for adhesion to the surface, and a meshwork deposited on this film for cohesion.

The tube feet of starfish act like a Post-it as their adhesion is only temporary and they can attach and detach repeatedly from a surface. 


Scientists found that SFP1 is from a single mRNA, whereon the message for a protein from DNA is transcribed. Any they found SFP1 to be big, having four domains that let them multi-task. Each of these domains takes up a biochemical job inside and outside the adhesive cells in the tube feet. 

The scientists found SFP1 to stick strongly on glass or mica surfaces. The biochemically SFP1 does not undergoes any complicated changes, after production in the cell. These properties of SFP1 has lead us to develop an idea on protein-based product. 

The normal windows cleaners bodysuit can seal with a SFP1 subunits into the material at certain position for the safety purposes to do the adhesion to the glass. The bodysuit includes sealing at the foot, knees, abdomen and between elbow and wrist can be fabricated for the use of windows cleaners.


The bodysuit can be made from a number of fabrics including cotton and nylon just like the current bodysuit for windows cleaners. However, this "starfish bodysuit" is different from the current design due to there is additional layer add on top at the mentioned position of bodysuit where this layer will be made from a SFP1 related material covered with tiny ridges that are capable of adhering to smooth surfaces in order to remain the adhesive ability just like the starfish.

This starfish suit not only able to let the window cleaners adhesive on the glass temporary but it also can be cleaned between steps by touching a material of higher surface energy like sticky tape and it may be possible to achieve self-cleaning.

With this idea for the adhesion, the Spiderman suit can become a reality. However, the size-effects on the adhesion strength require further research. Moreover, man's muscles, for example, are different to those starfish. We would suffer great muscle fatigue if we stick to a glass for many hours. But now we are this step closer, it may not be long before we are seeing people climbing up the KLCC building with nothing but sticky bodysuit and shoes to support them.


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